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March 2015

Group Show at University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, PA 


AFTERMARKET PARADE emerged from works and writings developed within the experimental frame of Massimo Bartolini’s Graduate Sculpture Practices course at PennDesign. The MFA students were engaged with paradigm-challenging lectures, readings, assignments and critiques.


The principal limitations for the works in AFTERMARKET PARADE were that they all be able to fit within the volume of a custom-made shipping container (which is also a work in the show) and that they cost less than 50 USD to produce. The focus was on the dematerialization of sculpture and its recasting as an experience of space and perception itself.


In addition to this exhibition site, there is a full-color catalogue being published with added documentation and responses to each individual work from a breadth of writers, thinkers and other contemporaries of the artists.


Views of the installed works of:


Ava Hassinger

Charles Hall


Corey Herynk

Derek Rigby

E. Jane

Gonzalo Rodriguez

Kasey Short

Katie Locke

Lydia Rosenberg

Sarah Legrow

Sascha Hughes-Caley

Stephanie Elden

Wilmer Wilson IV



Toolbox, dust, adhesive

10" H x 20" W x 10" D


Stephanie Elden


LARS BENGT on Stephanie Elden:


Translated frøm Nørwegian tø English, and transcribed frøm handwriting tø type:


<< I have nøt met Stephanie Elden, but I spøke with her ønce. She called me frøm, her høme in the United States, because she saw a phøtøgraph øf me wearing a mane øf grass that I had made and she wanted tø speak tø me. I tøld her my støry and then we spøke at great length abøut øur shared interest in the øutdøørs, and the experiences øne has when øne is aløne in the wild. Frøm øur cønversatiøn I gathered that she makes møstly three-dimensiønal art and while her intentiøns vary frøm piece tø piece, she is seeks tø make art wørks that cønnects an element frøm an envirønment tø a sentiment ør human experience. The piece she created før this Aftermarket Parade is a dusty tøølbøx with nø tøøls that she calls “Uninhabited”. I say, what gøød is a tøølbøx that hølds nø tøøls? The inside is cøvered with a fine layer øf dust, as if it has been left øpen and undisturbed før many years. There are øutlines in the dust øf where tøøls might have ønce been, but they are nø lønger there. Their absence is trøubling. >>



Lars Bengt is a 72 year old man from a small town outside of Femundsmarka National Park (nasjonalpark) in Norway. He knows nothing of the art world, familiar only with the one painting in his house of a floral still life that was passed down from his mother’s aunt. (story cut).


While he lacks any sort of art education, Lars has a profound knowledge of the natural world. He is an observer of all things existing outside, an avid naturalist, botanist, and bird watcher, among other things. He feels most at peace when walking through the marsh beyond the forest outside his home. He makes this walk daily, collecting as he goes pieces of grass until as he approaches the center of the marsh he has in his arms a large bundle of grasses. Yellow and dry from the winter, Lars bends, twists, and ties them onto each other. Wrapping them around his head he creates a wild mane of grasses.


Upon its completion he pauses, looking around at his environment he breathes deeply. He stands alone but in this moment he is connected, as if by wearing pieces of nature he is able to put aside his learned identity and revert back to his instinctual self. After a far too brief moment, he begins the walk back to his home. As he goes, he plucks a strand of grass from his head and drops it, returning it back to the ground. Continuing until he reaches the steps of his home. Nothing remains of his mane except a single strand that he twirls slowly between his fingers. He drops it at last and as he enters the house, that blade, along with the trail of others, waits for tomorrow, when Lars will return to change them into something greater than they could ever achieve on their own.


Photo of a man resembling Lars Bengt 


Credit: Karoline Hjorth

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